Thursday, September 06, 2007

What a rainy day! We took our pictures to be developed today. I'll pick them up tomorrow. Hopefully the animals we saw at the Omaha Zoo turn out. We had a great time visiting! It was super to see old friends and a road trip is always fun, too. Isaac has harvest allergies like the rest of us. Everyone I talked to at work today had a terrible headache, like me. The fields will be cleared soon, right? One little student of mine had to go to the emergency room last night with a throat infection, most likely from the air. Yikes!
F3 went well Wed. night. Seemed like there were more people this year. I had about 10 kids. Here's another thought: the chipmunk was eating the birdseed again and he took a flying leap from the top of the deck railing to the ground. He went splat! but ran under the shed. I feel really bad for him, I hope he didn't get hurt too bad. He was a nuiscence but that little rascal could've probably lived all winter on the seed he had packed in his cheeks before the leap. Sorry guy. I need to get some corn for the little fellas so they will be fed this winter, that is if they generally can jump like that. Have a happy day.

1 comment:

akk said...

jen, you make me laugh! it was so good to see the three of you!