Sunday, April 01, 2007

Spring is here!

We are so happy that Spring is finally here! The trees are budding and flowers are sprouting everywhere, including the bird garden-- yeah! The tulips don't probably get enough sun, but they will be pretty when the finally open up. Isaac's water table has returned outdoors, and the favorite toys are definitely any type of ball he can throw. We survived a long winter, which makes Spring that much better. Let's see-- Isaac is repeating nearly everything we say, or trying to, that is. He really makes us laugh. We got him a little table and 2 chairs for the kitchen, and he's loving the independence. He put up a big fight against the high chair at the end. He said, "Don't want to!" and he really meant it. Tantrums are as expected. We try to ignore a lot of it. It is not o.k. when he hits out of frustration. Time out has pretty much taken care of that, but he still has his moments. Since the new year, Isaac has stayed somewhat well; I say that as I remember he's finishing a perscription right now for a small cold. Poor boy has outdoor allergies. I guess he and I will be in it together... like a team. He doesn't seem to have animal allergies, or if he does, it's not that bad. We went for a short walk today and here are some pictures from it. I'll post more this week since I'm on Spring Break.