Sunday, May 20, 2007

Isaac is growing like a weed. He's saying lots of stuff, which is fun.
We've got more sad news about another family in our small group. They will be moving with ADM to Germany in June. We helped the Rileys move to a new home this spring, and it's really sad that they will be moving again soon.
Tim pitched a really good game in baseball yesterday. His team is now in the sectional finals against Argenta. We're glad that he played well.
It has been a beautiful weekend so far! Guess what?! I saw a Baltimore Oriole in our back yard this week. He had a beautiful song and he was bright orange with a black head and yellow wings. Wow! The birds we see have improved since we got the right kind of birdseed. Who knew?
Two couples came over for dinner last night and that was fun. We played Sequence and a new Cranium game. Both games were entertaining.
That's all of our news. Only 2 more weeks of school! We joined a pool for the summer so Isaac will get to swim with other little ones. We're looking forward to it because the pool is open until 8 pm so Brian will be able to go swimming with the family after work.

1 comment:

akk said...

Yeah Daddy! That was your best belly flop of the week! Try it again, maybe you can do another one like 2 weeks ago when you made that really big splash... and kept your tummy red for 3 days. Do it again!!!

(From Isaac via Uncle Brad)