Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jen's page
Howdy! Today is the last day of July and I never posted in June! Yikes! I'll do better!
We have had a super summer. It has been very relaxing just hanging out with the boy. He's fun. We gave up the bottle before b-day 1 (yes!), and he started walking during his birthday week. I tried to give up one of the naps, but after talking to someone about it, I decided to keep both and it's been going really well. Isaac loves to sleep and this is good! He now knows the routine and even asks for the door to be closed once he has his pj's on at night ("door"). My goal has been to get the routine down so that I only have to lay him down and he goes nite-nite on his own. GOAL ACHIEVED! He does have a small security blanket that he needs to have when he goes to sleep. I'm sure as I head back to work-school, it will take a few days for him to get back into the routine.

I'm looking forward to going back to work and having my own space this year. I'm sure it will be a good change. I can hardly wait to set up my little space.

I wanted to enjoy these last few days and do some cooking. Today I made a recipe and I'm planning one for tomorrow, too. I have a few errands to run tomorrow, also. I hope to get an early walk in, too, before it's 80 degrees.

Have a happy day.

1 comment:

akk said...

Yea for all the accomplishments and welcome back to the blog-world! You've been missed!