Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hi, everyone! It's great to have such super weather for this long weekend! One more 1/2 day of school, yeah! I can't wait for the lazy days of summer! Today my brother, Tim, is working for the first time. He is working the front desk and concessions at a pool in town,"Fairview". He called because he wanted my mom to bring him something to eat. It was funny, he was thinking Subway or some other fast food, she made him a plate of what we were having for lunch at the cookout (pork chops, broccoli, rice, etc). My dad caved and went and got him the fast food. Tim would have cracked up if she brought him the plate (I would have liked it:).
Isaac doesn't stop asking questions! He was saying "what's dat?" on the entire walk we just went on every step of the way. It's almost humorous!
We released the turtles yesterday. They were loving freedom, as they swam very quickly to the middle of a very large pond. We gave them one last meal, thinking that they might have trouble at first, but I don't think they will have any trouble! Actually, they might miss the safety of a rather small aquarium and dependable food. Well... maybe not!
Here are the plans for the summer not working: 1. Take Isaac to the pool at the YMCA at least 3 times per week. They have parent and child swim from 11:30-12:30 everyday. This should be just enough swimming to get Isaac really tired, so he'll nap in the afternoon (right now he's taking 2 naps and I've got to get him to take 1 long nap this summer). One day per week, I'd like to take him to BabyTalk. It's a fun playgroup. They meet every day during the week at different locations. I'm not sure which one we'll go to, probably a few of them to find the right one. This only lasts 45 minutes, but a teacher does fingerplays and reads books and the kids play with toys. Everyone discusses parenting issues. It's really fun! We're going to do the summer reading program at the library. They have weekly programming that's neat, and a kick-off June 1 or 2nd (I'll have to check). There is also a weekly lapsit at the library in Warrensburg that we'll go to and see some friends with babies from work. That's all so far :) I'll keep you updated.
New funny Isaac-isms:
Isaac tries to do "Where is Thumbkin?" He claps and tries to do his fingers.
Isaac is standing, but not walking. I'm quite sure he could do it if he wanted to.
Isaac gives everyone the sweetest kisses. They're funny; he doesn't quite get it, but we love it!
He is a really fast crawler! Too fast!
He definitely throws things down all the time to see you pick them up again.

By the way, we love the disposable sippy cups called take-and-toss. They're really great. He can hold them on his own. My goal this week is to stop laying him down with a bottle. I do this 3 times a day, for naps and nite-nite. This is bad!
That's all my news!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Spring is here! Yea! Isaac is getting bigger every day! He is such a silly boy-- he has a fun personality! Whenever he sees Brian or me the first thing he does is start asking questions. "What dat?" We say, "It's a fan. You pull it, and it goes woo, woo, woo!" Isaac gets a big grin on his face. Then he asks again. It's a little game :) The Wiggles sing a funny song: Do the Monkey. Isaac loves that, too. If you can imagine Mom as a monkey going "Ooo, ooo, ahhh,, ooo, ahhh, ahhh..." That's the scene. It's very funny. Mom and Dad do little dances to all the songs. Our favorite is Dorothy the Dinosaur. "She's a really friendly dinosaour, she works so hard in the garden...she's mowing, she's mowing, she's mowing!"
For Mother's Day I'm making dinner for my mom on Saturday. Only 10 more days of school... Yes!
Have a happy day!
Isaac says:
da da
what dat?